Donate Now Opportunities

We can only continue this work with your help.  Our goal is to make sure at least 90 percent of contributions go towards the project or program they were designated for. You can read more about how we handle your gifts by clicking here.  Helping Hands Unlimited is an accredited member of ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Responsibility).  You can read more about our commitment by clicking here.

There are many ways to give.  You can make a check out to Helping Hands Unlimited with the fund you wish to give to on the memo line. Then you can mail it to PO Box 111, Albany, IN  47320.  You can also click on one of the needs below and either give using your credit card or by doing an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from your bank account.  You can also set up recurring gifts with these or just give one time.

You can also give stocks and bonds, life insurance, property, and other financial instruments to Helping Hands Unlimited. (Please call us for details). 

Clicking on the above links will allow you to make one-time or recurring donations using your credit card or by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) from your bank account.  Both of those are secure ways to give.

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