Without You We are Nothing
Helping Hands Unlimited is nothing more than interesting words without people like you. We rely on like-minded people with a desire to help those in need. We need people who want to make a difference. We are doing what we do because God placed a vision and burden on our hearts of helping others in need. Unfortunately, we cannot do this without the support of others. We have a low operating budget (like operating from a kitchen table at the moment). At least 90 percent of gifts for projects go directly to the designated project or program with 10 percent or less going to cover administrative expenses. Our pledge to you is to keep it that way. We want as much of your gifts as possible to go directly to help with the projects and programs we are working with. We need funding help with projects, programs, and personnel. Please consider what you can do to help us meet some of these needs. You can mail us a check or donate online. There are links to give to specific programs and projects in the right sidebar of this website.

Please pray for Helping Hands Unlimited and for those we are serving around the world.
Helping Hands Unlimited was formed to meet the needs of the poor throughout the world while sharing God’s love with the people we serve. Our ultimate goal is to share the plan of salvation with everyone we help and allow them to make an educated decision about accepting Christ as their Savior and Lord. If the opportunity to help does not provide an avenue for sharing the plan of salvation, we are not interested in pursuing that opportunity. The words “Helping Hands” in our name refers to our desire to help and not just do. We are interested in working with people who are willing to help themselves. We want to assist people who have a vision for what needs to happen in their community. Our job is to encourage them by providing the spark to get things moving. We want to build relationships while working together. The word “Unlimited” refers to our desire not to restrict the Holy Spirit’s leading. We want the Holy Spirit to guide us to the people, places, programs, and projects He has for us. There are no restrictions or limitations.
Helping Hands Unlimited is a group of like-minded people willing to share their time and resources to meet the needs of poor people around the world. We want to work with churches, civic organizations, and individuals to provide them with the avenue to get things accomplished on a larger scale. The goal of our organization is to provide an efficient way to do that. One way we can do that is by keeping our overhead low and making sure that as much of each donor’s contribution as possible goes to the program or project their gift was designated for.

We do have some specific ideas about things we need to be doing but we are not limiting ourselves to only that list. Even though we occasionally meet the needs of specific families or individuals, our goal is to serve as many people as we possibly can.
We firmly believe that one of the most effective ways to have an impact is to educate children in Christian schools. Education gives a child the tools they will need for their entire lives to help them help themselves and provide a better life for themselves and their family. It is the only known way to break the cycle of poverty. In the process, they also learn Christian values and learn about God’s love for them. It is a life-changing experience. We want to help as many schools as we can with our student sponsorship program.

We also have a strong desire to work with churches, not only helping them with their physical needs but helping them in other ways, such as implementing programs to reach their communities and facilitating training for pastors and lay leaders. It is our desire to partner North American churches with churches in the countries where we are working. We will do what we can to facilitate those partnerships. Those partnerships can be as simple as praying for their partner church, to the other end of the spectrum of helping them with major needs (as well as everything in between).

We also want to help facilitate work teams to areas of need in cooperation with local churches. We can customize your trip to fit your talents and goals to fit your group’s desires. Many teams fit into the categories of medical, construction or youth teams. Some even have multiple goals. We are open to other ideas as well, providing those ideas that are compatible with our desire to meet the needs of as many people as possible while sharing God’s love with those being served.
Helping Hands Unlimited also desires to partner with other like-minded organizations (both from our country and the countries we are serving) by providing help in whatever way we can.
We also know there is more need out there than we can help with. It is with much prayer and discernment that we make decisions about which programs and projects we can help and those we cannot. Again, one of our goals is to help as many people as possible.
We can only do these things with the help of others who share the same vision we have. And we can only do these things as God directs and blesses.