An Inconspicuous Man of God
Who is making a difference

If you have been involved in a ministry for a long time, you have likely encountered individuals like Erasmus Nyemba. These are the people who quietly carry out God's work in their own communities, without seeking recognition or financial gain. Erasmus is a husband, father, pastor, and teacher in a remote village called Chegutu in rural Zimbabwe. He leads a small church that meets in an old shed and has also started a school to educate the many children in the area, who otherwise would not have access to education. Erasmus and his assistant teach over 200 children daily, not only focusing on academics but also sharing the word of God with them.
Erasmus lives with his family in a small two-room house, which currently accommodates 11 people every night. Some of these are his own children, while others are kids who don't have a complete family to go home to. His heart is with these children.
Leaders in Zimbabwe who work with Erasmus have reached out to us about a much-needed project: building a larger house with multiple bedrooms, indoor plumbing, and a kitchen. This new house would provide more adequate living conditions for Erasmus and his family, as well as the children he cares for. The projected cost for this project is $30,000 US.

We are seeking support for this project and hope that you will be moved by Erasmus's selfless dedication to his community and consider contributing to this cause. Thank you for your consideration.
Here are a few photos from Chegutu and the school there.