Non-Traditional Giving Ideas

New ways you can make a difference

As followers of Christ, we are called to be faithful stewards of all God has entrusted to us, not just through traditional tithes but in creative and meaningful ways that reflect His love and generosity. Non-traditional giving opportunities—whether it's donating stocks, real estate, commodities, or even cryptocurrency—allow us to maximize the impact of our resources while supporting the work of God's kingdom. These gifts not only offer significant financial benefits for you, such as avoiding capital gains taxes and receiving charitable deductions, but they also empower ministries to thrive and serve others. I encourage you to explore these options with an open heart, prayerfully considering how God might be calling you to give in new ways. You can learn more about these impactful methods by reading further and discovering how your unique gifts can make a lasting difference for God's glory.

1. Stocks and Bonds
Overview: Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds not only helps non-profits but also allows donors to avoid capital gains taxes they might otherwise owe. As Christians, we are called to be wise stewards of our resources (Luke 16:10-11), and this form of giving allows us to maximize the impact of what we offer to God's work.
Benefits for Donors: By donating securities held for more than a year, donors can claim a charitable tax deduction for the full market value of the asset. In this way, God blesses the giver with financial relief while also enabling them to give abundantly (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
How It Works for Non-Profits: Non-profits are able to sell these assets tax-free, using the proceeds to advance their ministry. Partnering with financial advisors makes this process seamless, allowing the body of Christ to focus on serving others.

2. Real Estate
Overview: Real estate can be a powerful gift to further God's kingdom. Whether it's residential, commercial, or undeveloped property, donating real estate reflects the biblical principle of giving generously from what we have been entrusted with (Matthew 6:19-21).
Benefits for Donors: Donors avoid capital gains tax and can deduct the fair market value of the property. Through this gift, God multiplies their resources for eternal purposes.
How It Works for Non-Profits: Though real estate donations may involve logistical planning, the returns can be transformative for ministries. Some donors may choose to retain a life estate, ensuring continued use of the property while still committing it to God's work.

3. Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)
Overview: A donor-advised fund is an investment account designed to support charitable giving. Through it, we are reminded that all we have is a blessing from God, meant to be used for His purposes (1 Timothy 6:17-19).
Benefits for Donors: Donors can receive an immediate tax deduction for their contributions yet retain the flexibility to give over time as the Holy Spirit guides their generosity.
How It Works for Non-Profits: Non-profits benefit from large, often unrestricted gifts that can sustain ministry efforts. Building relationships with DAF sponsors ensures continued support of God's mission on Earth.

4. Grain Sales and Other Commodities
Overview: For those in agriculture, donating a portion of crops, livestock, or other commodities mirrors the biblical practice of offering the first fruits of our labor to the Lord (Proverbs 3:9-10).
Benefits for Donors: Farmers and ranchers can avoid income taxes on the sale of these goods, which can significantly bless their financial situation while also enabling them to contribute to God’s work.
How It Works for Non-Profits: Non-profits sell the donated commodities and use the proceeds to fund their ministries, creating a beautiful partnership between rural communities and those in need.

5. Cryptocurrency
Overview: As digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum become more common, they too can be used for the glory of God. Giving from what God has blessed us with, even through modern means, can make a lasting difference in the lives of others.
Benefits for Donors: Donors avoid capital gains taxes on appreciated cryptocurrency and can deduct its fair market value if held for more than a year, allowing them to give generously and efficiently.
How It Works for Non-Profits: Non-profits can convert cryptocurrency into cash to fund their ministries. Through trusted partnerships, organizations ensure these modern gifts are put to work for God’s purposes.

6. Planned Giving: Variable Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts, and Bequests

  • Variable Annuities: Donors can designate a portion of their annuity to a non-profit, providing long-term financial support to Christian causes.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs): This allows donors to receive income during their lifetime while ensuring the remainder goes to God’s work.
  • Bequests: Leaving a portion of one's estate through a will is a final act of faithful stewardship, echoing the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), ensuring that even after we are gone, our resources are used for God’s glory.
    Benefits: Donors receive tax advantages while also knowing their gift will continue to serve others and honor God long after they are gone.

7. Life Insurance Policies
Overview: Naming a non-profit as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy is a simple but profound way to advance the mission of the Church. This can reflect our commitment to leaving a legacy of faith and generosity (Proverbs 13:22).
Benefits for Donors: The donor may receive an income tax deduction and see the policy as a future blessing to God's work.
How It Works for Non-Profits: The organization receives the policy payout, often substantial, ensuring that their mission continues with strength and purpose.

8. Gifts-in-Kind
Overview: Donating goods or services instead of cash reflects the diverse ways we can serve others in the body of Christ (Romans 12:4-8). Whether it’s professional expertise, equipment, or supplies, these gifts save ministries valuable resources.
Benefits for Donors: Donors may be able to deduct the fair market value, but more importantly, they are offering their talents and treasures to God’s kingdom.
How It Works for Non-Profits: By utilizing donated goods or services, ministries can direct more funds to their core mission, allowing them to serve others more effectively.

9. Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) from IRAs
Overview: For those over 70 ½, donating directly from an IRA to a qualified charity is an act of faithful giving. We honor God by giving from what He has blessed us with, ensuring that resources are used for eternal purposes (1 Chronicles 29:14).
Benefits for Donors: This counts toward the donor's required minimum distribution but is excluded from taxable income, offering a significant tax benefit while supporting the work of Christ.
How It Works for Non-Profits: Non-profits receive these gifts tax-free, providing vital, unrestricted support to their ministries.

10. Tangible Personal Property
Overview: Donating items like artwork, antiques, or rare collectibles to a non-profit aligns with the biblical principle of giving from what we treasure, knowing that true riches are found in God’s kingdom (Matthew 6:19-21).
Benefits for Donors: Donors may deduct the full market value of the property, supporting ministries in a unique and impactful way.
How It Works for Non-Profits: Non-profits can use these items for events or exhibitions or sell them to generate funds that further their mission in the world.

We warmly invite you, along with your trusted professionals—such as your lawyer, agent, commodities broker, financial advisor, and insurance agent—to reach out to us for more information. We are dedicated to serving you with integrity and compassion, recognizing that each financial journey is unique and important. While we do not sell or solicit financial products, we believe that your financial advisor may offer valuable insights and recommendations. We partner with various advisors and companies who share our commitment to ethical practices, and we would be honored to provide you with their names and contact information upon request. Together, we can navigate your financial path with wisdom and faith, trusting that God has a plan for your prosperity and peace. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further support.