Bethesda Home for Children
Santo Domingo

The Bethesda Home for Children provides a Christian home for children who have no parents or relatives to care for them. Most of the children were brought to the orphanage by social workers of Children's Services.
Most of these kids have had a tough start in life. The worst part is many of them have been neglected and they have never experienced love from their parents. Abandoned, they need to be loved and cared for.

Orphanage Leadership

Maria Noesi is the director of this small orphanage. Besides a small group of paid staff and a board of directors. there are a number of local volunteers who regularly drop in to spend time with the children.

Bethesda Home for Children
Bethesda Hogar de Niños
Kids come and go for a variety of reasons, but there are always somewhere between 20 to 30 children under their care.

Developing Children into Responsible Young Adults
Helping Hands Unlimited has been helping this orphanage since early 2013 Besides providing financial help, we have helped with repairing the building, providing clothing and medical care, sending eligible kids to camp, providing Christmas Supper, and more.

Ways You Can Help
The first thing you can do is pray for the children and staff at Bethesda Home for Children. The second thing you can do is click on the button below to help financially.