Beyond Bethesda Homes
Santo Domingo
Children under the age of 18 fall under the responsibility of the government agency for children. This is the regulator agency that licenses and regulates orphanages. One rule they have is once a child reaches eighteen years old, they need to leave the orphanage.
What Happens to Them Next?
They need to become an adult really fast. They need a place to stay and help to get them settled. They all have goals of studying at a university or vocational school. Some are interested in getting jobs. Some need help obtaining birth certificates or their government ID which will allow them to attend the university or get a job.

What could we do? Well, Helping Hands Unlimited set up a plan to help these girls. We helped set up apartments for them along with appliances and furniture. We provided utilities and food for them. And, we helped with education expenses. All the girls understood it was their responsibility to complete their education and be able to support themselves.

Several of the apartments have become self-sufficient. The girls have graduated and found jobs. They are then able to pay rent and utilities. Some continue to study. In general, they have become adults and they are able to take care of themselves.
Through this process, we work on growing them spiritually through continued involvement in a church, Bible studies, and service opportunities at the Bethesda Home of Children or with one of the other Helping Hands Unlimited projects.

These Girls Need Your Help!
It costs about $2,500.00 US to set up one apartment for four girls. It then costs about $450.00 US to cover rent, utilities, and food for them every month. We need people to provide one-time contributions and we need people to pledge monthly support to keep them operating. We hope you will consider helping!