Dominican Republic

Since the very beginning, God has been shaping the ministry of Helping Hands Unlimited. As the organization began to grow, God opened our hearts to an important need we almost missed. We started out working with Christian schools in very poor areas of the Dominican Republic. Through that ministry, we were able to help the schools serving these children. It wasn't an accident that God used some of our friends who introduced us to several Christian orphanages that needed help. It did not take long for us to fall in love with the children and see the need to provide some support for them.
These children have had a tough start in life. Some had been abused by parents hooked on drugs or alcohol. Others may have had their parents in prison. Others put their children out on the streets because they could not financially take care of them. And some put their daughters on the streets to make money for them (prostitution). Some of them even ended up stealing just so they could buy food to feed themselves. Some have lost their parents to war or HIV and they end up living with distant relatives who do not have the means to raise and support the child.
Helping Hands Unlimited works with several children's programs and orphanages in the Dominican Republic and Zimbabwe. Please click on the button of the program you are interested in.